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We are a family

When we belong to God we belong to each other.  The Bible tells us that when we come in faith to Christ God adopts us and makes us His, we become brothers and sisters in Christ! In Ballykelly Presbyterian we long to know Jesus, make Him known and share his love. We want to enjoy God and to joyfully live for Him, becoming like him more and more each day. 


We are all at different stages on that journey so whether you have been a Christian for a long time, are just starting out on your journey, or are still thinking it through, we home you will find a home here.


Find out more about what we believe here.


What to expect at a Sunday service

Every Sunday morning we open the Church building at around 11:00am, for our Sunday worship service at 11:30am (half an hour earlier in July and August.  We have a team of volunteers to welcome you at the door, and to answer any questions you may have.


As we meet together as a church family, we worship God through singing, prayer, and the teaching of God’s Word, the Bible. We have a children’s slot where the kids are invited up to the front for a story and song, and we love to celebrate people’s birthdays as a church family too. We try to ensure that our worship gatherings are relevant, thought-provoking, practical, and an opportunity to reflect on our relationship with Jesus Christ.


We are guided through our worship by our minister, so there’s no need to worry about what’s coming next. We normally stand up to sing, but if you’re not able to, you’re welcome to stay seated.  The words for the songs are displayed on large screens for all to see. The Bible passages we read are also on the screens but we have Bibles available in the pews, or you can bring your own of course. Each worship gathering lasts for about an hour or so.


Children are welcome to go out during the service to our supervised creche (pre-schoolers) or to children's church (primary schoolers). On the third Sunday of the month we have a family service when the children stay in and we worship together.


At the end of each worship gathering, we’re never in any rush home. Occasionally we serve tea and coffee and you are always welcome to hang around for a chat.

The Kirk Session

Presbyterian churches are overseen by a group of locally appointed Elders.  They are called 'Ruling Elders' apart from the minister who is is called the 'Teaching Elder'.  The Elders have responsibility for the spiritual oversight of the congregation and really value your prayers for this.

Photo Phil BKPC_edited.jpg

Phil joined Ballykelly as minister in August 2021.  He is married to Jenny and has two children Rebekah and Elijah.


He grew up in Rathcoole, Co.Antrim, where He came to know the Lord through the witness of the local Church.  Phil loves sport, hiking and having a laugh but there is nothing more important to him than telling people the good news about His Saviour Jesus.

Phil Houston

Phil Houston

Teaching Elder (minister)

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There are 9 Elders currently serving in Ballykelly.  They have all been elected from within the congregation and are responsible for the Spiritual oversight of the congregation.  We meet as a Kirk Session around 5 times a year.

Ruling elders

Kirk Session

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